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Islamic Fanatics Against Wilders

Islamic Fanatics against Wilders

A group of British Muslims have just posted a video message to condemn Dutch politician Geert Wilders for his criticism of Islam. They want freedom of speech to be abolished and advocate the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate to intimidate the entire West into submission. It is time for Western politicians to wake up.

Click here view the video.


Let us raise a flag of truth and liberation

s-a vlag 1

by Geert Wilders

Nine years ago this month, in November 2004, policemen wearing bullet proof vests and carrying machine guns picked me up at my home and drove me to a safe place. This happened two days after film maker and Islam critic Theo van Gogh was murdered by an Islamic assassin in broad daylight in an Amsterdam street. The police brought me to safety because Islamic criminals had threatened to kill me, too. Because I, too, spoke the truth about Islam, the biggest threat to our freedom and our civilization.

Read more …Let us raise a flag of truth and liberation

Speech Geert Wilders in Berlin, 3 September 2011 (German version)

Die Bedrohung durch Europäisierung und die Notwendigkeit, den Nationalstaat zu verteidigen 

Danke, dass Sie mich nach Berlin eingeladen haben. Es ist eine Ehre, hier in dieser wundervollen Stadt Berlin zu sein. Als ich das letzte Jahr hier war, betonte ich, wie wichtig Deutschland für uns alle ist. Wir haben alle einen Nutzen von einem gesunden, demokratischen, selbstbewussten Deutschland. 

Read more …Speech Geert Wilders in Berlin, 3 September 2011 (German version)